Ankle Instability

Rolling an ankle happens to us all. However, some of us roll an ankle and damage the structure that keeps our ankle stable. This ankle injury can lead to feeling of instability and frequent repetitive ankle rolling. It is also from frequent and repetitive ankle rolling. Treating this does not have to mean surgery. Consider […]

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a very complex region of the body with multiple tension structures needed to keep its motion balanced and functional. If a muscle or fascia (connective tissue) attachment is injured frequently the shoulder blade will be unable to sit or move like it is suppose to. The rotator cuff of the shoulder will […]

Muscle Spasm (Tight Muscles in Neck)

Muscle tightness can be caused by multiple factors and maintained due to multiple problems. Often treatment for this issue is needs to involve multiple providers as well. Massage, chiropractic care, stress management, and posture training can all improve neck tightness. At times though even with this treatment tightness seems to never go away. Injection treatment […]

Degenerative Disc Disease (Neck Disc Injury)

Degenerative disc disease is a common condition that is very difficult to treat. There is not a one size fits all treatment for this condition. The problem is that the disc is the end of the degenerative process with other injuries leading the disc being abused and broken down. If the neck motion stability and […]

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

For patients thinking of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy or BHRT they will often wonder who to see for this care. Many physicians and mid level practitioners provide this treatment but motivation for providing the care can be very different. Family practice frequently provides this care to treat chronic fatigue or extremely low hormone levels. Many […]

Knee Instability

Those who suffer from knee joint instability frequently have this condition for many years. Most of them don’t know that there is a great non-surgical treatment. The knee can be unstable in different locations including the kneecap or the large femur tibial knee joint and even in the fibula tibia joint. All of these can […]

Cervicalgia (Neck Pain)

Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints. With posture and technology causing significant strain of the muscles and joints along the neck it is no surprise that many struggle with this daily. Sadly, for many there is limited benefit with the current NSAID and topical treatments. Many physicians offer little else beside […]

Bakers Cyst

Popliteal cyst or baker’s cyst is a very common knee condition where there is fluid that comes from swelling in the knee joint that accumulates in the back of the knee. Many people complain of pressure in the posterior knee and frequently this turns to pain. The fluid can get better and worse but once […]

Kneecap (Patella) Pain

Knee cap pain also known as patellofemoral syndrome is pain that is behind the knee cap. This is a very common problem that many people don’t even know that they have. This usually is felt as a sharp pain when going down a hill or stairs or when standing up from squat or crouched position. […]

Auto Accidents

AUTO ACCIDENTS ‍Have you or someone you know been involved in a motor vehicle collision? One of the most common injuries from a car crash is the damaging effect of whiplash. Whiplash occurs when a sudden, jarring movement of the head is sustained backward, forward or even to the side, even at low speeds. Whiplash […]