Dr. Becca Whittaker
Dr. Becca Crowther Whittaker is a Cedar City native that has been an active Dr. of Chiropractic for nearly 20 years. She was active in orchestras, choirs, sports teams, youth service groups, and dance teams and Cedar High and SUU, and while at SUU became deeply interested in the healing arts. After a local chiropractor helped her recover from severe injury to her arms and neck she decided to enter the profession so she could offer that same kind and effective healing modality to others. She continued her education at the renowned Parker University in Dallas, TX. She graduated Cum Laude with her Doctorate in Chiropractic, gaining basic certification in pediatrics, Chiropractic Acupuncture and Applied Kinesiology along the way. She previously practiced with her husband at a family-based practice in Cedar City named Whittaker Family Chiropractic, and for most of her nearly two decades of service has been the only practicing female DC in the southern 2/3 of Utah!
Dr. Becca focuses on pediatric, maternity, whole-family, athletic performance and rehab, and injury recovery. She loves serving her community and is constantly expanding her knowledge base and skill set. She had an unexpected health crisis that took her out of the practice in 2020 that left her unable to speak, read, write, walk, or even move for a few months and in a severely compromised state for years in brain and body. She has recovered over the years through wheelchairs and incredible pain to purposeful, mindful movement. Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation was a part of that healing through our integrative health facility, and she is now interested in continuing to help our community learn more about the potential for healing through multiple modalities. She hosts a podcast named “What Really Makes a Difference: Empowering Health and Vitality” , and it is focused to share her experiences, network of experts, and clinical knowledge to help others adrift in health difficulty find hope and healing. She fervently enjoys playing the cello and guitar, singing with the Red Rock Singers, enjoying the Utah landscape, connected conversations, empowering friendships, hanging out with her 4 children, and dancing wherever and whenever she can, She could not be more grateful to celebrate her restoring health or more excited to add her support to the team here at Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation!